Caitlin has been a storyteller since she could talk. From a young age she was inventing characters and creating adventures for them. Learning to write opened up new possibilities for her in fiction and poetry, but it was not until high school, where she took her first playwriting class, that she discovered her love of theater and dramatic literature. When she was sixteen her first play, Ab Artificium, which she directed herself, was produced through Carolina Friends School. From then on she was hooked, and produced another play, Physical Therapy, with One Song Productions as a part of their February 48 Festival one year later.
Caitlin went on to further her education at Oberlin College, where she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing with a concentration in Playwriting. While there she saw two of her one-acts produced as well as a staged reading of her senior thesis, the two-act play, Irish Airman. Upon graduating she received her first professional commission to write a play for the Bloomsburg Theater Ensemble. The one-act, The Red Box, was produced by the theater that spring.
In addition to her creative work, Caitlin has always had a passion for education and working with young people. From her first year of college onward, Caitlin has worked with children and young adults from preschool to high school in tutoring, teaching, mentoring, counseling, and coaching capacities. The Lightspeed Theater Collection began as a passion project in 2013 as a response to the serious lack of age-appropriate and high quality scripts available to the middle school student who wants to pursue theater. Inspired by positive responses from students, teachers and families after The Xavier Project was produced and performed, Caitlin kept writing, and the collection has grown as she continues to add to the canon.
Caitlin writes plays inspired by her own imagination or as commissioned pieces inspired by an already set cast. She is available to write commissioned pieces and requires at least six months advanced notice for such work.
About Caitlin Prillaman